Monday, September 30, 2013

Fall Classic was populaire this year...

Maybe 40 people or so at the start.
Mike and I cruising along as the sun rises.
Mike and Harris coming up the hill.
Amazing fall colors.
Snack stop at Jericho general store.
These were dangerous horses as indicated by the "Danger Horses" sign.

It was a great ride. For the past few years it has been a rainy slug fest but this year it was absolutely amazing. We had a 7 am start this year. If you like riding a bike this is the ride to do! Fall colors, lots of quiet back roads and fall colors. What more could you ask for. (other than the Village Cup Bakery which was not on route this year) :)

I was planning on the 200k but opted for the 100k at the last minute. It was nice to get in earlier and spend time chatting and eating pizza rather than getting in and just running home. Plus work was much more enjoyable today as I climbed up ladders and such all day.

It is interesting to reflect back to 4-5 years ago and the change in fitness level when a ride like this would have wrecked me for a day or 2 afterwards. Looking forward to years to come which will hopefully include more time to ride and longer brevets, I'd like to try a 400k as my longest ride thus far is the 300k.


bmike said...

very nice little post, and an excellent ride.
too bad i coughed up blood for the last 20+ miles. that sucked. still feeling it in my lungs. guess the bug i had last week is still here.

awesome day out.

dcain said...

That sounds horrible Mike! I hope you are okay... Go easy on yourself.
Greg, I'm doing the ride vicariously through you. Thanks for the post.

Anonymous said...

Thanks for the post Greg. Sunshine returns to the Fall Classic, I wish I could have been there.

Unknown said...

Wandering John...Looks like you have been having a great adventure in Mexico though!

Unknown said...

Dave...missed you. Winter biking via the Red Hen isn't far off though.

Unknown said...

Mike-heard all that coughing but didn't know it was that nasty! Yuck.